Jenkins Correctional Facility Visitation, Inmate Search, Mail This Prison

Jenkins Correctional Facility (JCF) is a medium-security prison in Millen, Georgia, that caters to adult male inmates and is overseen by the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC). JCF is committed to providing programs and services that support inmates as they reintegrate into society after serving their sentences. However, like any correctional facility, JCF has strict guidelines and protocols that must be adhered to by visitors, inmates, and mail senders.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of JCF’s visitation guidelines, inmate search protocols, and mail policies, while also addressing common questions about the facility. Visitors must be aware of JCF’s visitation policies, which include dress codes and acceptable forms of identification. The inmate search process, on the other hand, involves strict security measures and the use of advanced technology to prevent contraband from entering the facility. Additionally, mail policies must be followed, such as addressing envelopes correctly and ensuring that the contents of the letter do not violate any regulations.

Understanding JCF’s policies and procedures is essential for those who wish to visit an inmate or send mail to an inmate housed at the facility. This article provides an overview of JCF’s rules and regulations, which are necessary to maintain the safety and security of the facility and its occupants.

History Of Jenkins Correctional Facility

Jenkins Correctional Facility was constructed to address the rising demand for additional prison beds in Georgia. It was designed to house roughly 1,100 medium-security male inmates and was opened in 2016, making it relatively new compared to other prisons.

The facility features a contemporary design with advanced security systems and technology, including electronic detection systems, video surveillance cameras, and a complete perimeter fence. Along with housing units, the facility also includes administrative buildings, a medical clinic, and recreational amenities.

Despite being a new facility, Jenkins Correctional Facility has encountered challenges, such as reports of violence among inmates and concerns regarding the standard of medical care offered to inmates. Nevertheless, the facility is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for inmates and staff while also helping inmates prepare for their reintegration into society upon their release.

Mailing Rules and Regulations for Jenkins Correctional Center

If you wish to correspond with an inmate at Jenkins Correctional Center, it is necessary to utilize the U.S. Postal Service as all letters to prisoners must be sent via this mail service. Boxes, padded envelopes, plastic bags, multilayer packaging, envelopes with metal components, and packages containing packing peanuts or bubble wrap are not allowed to be delivered to inmates as regular mail.

When addressing letters, it is crucial to include the inmate’s committed name, GDC number, and institutional address. Additionally, a full return address must be provided on the letter. The envelope should be addressed in the following manner:

  • Inmate’s Name, GDC#
  • Jenkins Correctional Center
  • Address: 3404 Kent Farm Drive
  • City, State, Zip: Millen, GA 30442

The mailroom at Jenkins Correctional Center is open Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The mailboxes are situated in the assigned housing units, and mail is picked up each day between 7:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.

It is important to note that only authorized vendors are allowed to send packages to inmates. The approved vendors are Music by Mail, Amazon, and Access SecurePak, a book publisher. In addition to Access SecurePak packages, one package per month can also be ordered from Music by Mail or Amazon. All order forms must be approved by the unit manager and sent to the mailroom before the package is delivered. If an approved form is not on file in the mailroom, the package will be rejected.

All personal property items, including socks, underwear, pajamas, and tennis shoes, will only be accepted from Access SecurePak. Family members are not permitted to send packages directly to inmates. Information regarding Access SecurePak is available in every housing unit.

Legal mail is delivered to each housing unit between 7:15 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Inmates must sign to acknowledge receipt of their mail, and the mailroom staff searches the contents for contraband in the inmate’s presence after they have opened their packages.

Regular mail and packages are collected and delivered from the mailroom by the Unit Management Team between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m. However, certain items are not allowed to be sent to inmates, including stamps, envelopes, and writing paper. Inmates are only permitted to possess 20 photographs, and nudity, gang-related activity, alcohol, and other images are prohibited. Vendor catalogs from unapproved vendors will be rejected.

It is crucial to follow the rules and regulations regarding mail and package delivery when corresponding with an inmate at Jenkins Correctional Center. Failure to comply with these guidelines could result in packages being rejected, and correspondence being confiscated.

Rules and Regulations at Jenkins Correctional Center

The followings are the rules and regulations for inmates at Jenkins Correctional Center:

  • The Jenkins Correctional Center’s rules and regulations for inmates are as follows:
  • Be mindful of other people’s rights and facility property.
  • Observe staff instructions and adhere to building regulations.
  • Possession of illegal substances, weapons, or other items is strictly forbidden.
  • Pornography cannot be owned, produced, or distributed by prisoners.
  • Gambling is not allowed.
  • Inmates are expected to keep themselves clean and hygienic.
  • Profanity and threats of violence are considered to be disrespectful behavior.
  • Any physical violence, including fighting and assault, is strictly forbidden.
  • Prisoners are required to participate in all scheduled activities, classes, and jobs.
  • Any rule or regulation violations are subject to disciplinary action, including losing privileges,
  • community service, or other suitable sanctions.

Inmate Search at Jenkins Correctional Facility

To locate an inmate at Jenkins Correctional Facility (JCF), individuals can use the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) online inmate search tool. The tool allows users to search for inmates using their GDC ID number or their first and last name. Simply go to the GDC website and click on the “Offender Search” link to access the search tool.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that while the search tool is a convenient way to locate an inmate, it does not guarantee their location or status. Certain information about inmates may not be available to the public, such as disciplinary records or medical information. Some inmates may also not appear in the search tool due to security concerns or other reasons.

If you cannot locate an inmate using the online search tool or have additional questions about their location or status, contacting JCF directly is the best option. The facility’s contact information can be found on the GDC website.

Visiting an inmate at JCF requires prior approval from the facility, and visitors must adhere to strict rules and regulations. This includes a dress code and restrictions on items that can be brought into the facility. Before planning a visit, it’s important to review the GDC’s visitation guidelines to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations.

The GDC online inmate search tool is a convenient way to locate an inmate at JCF, but it’s important to remember that it does not guarantee their location or status. Contacting the facility directly may be necessary for more information. Additionally, those planning to visit an inmate should review the GDC’s visitation guidelines to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations.

Jenkins Correctional Facility Quick Wrapup

Jenkins Correctional Facility, located in Millen, Georgia, is a medium-security prison that provides inmates with various programs and services to aid in their successful reintegration into society following their release. While the facility is classified as a security prison, inmates are permitted to receive mail from family, friends, and legal representatives, but strict guidelines must be followed for incoming mail.

It’s important to note that visiting an inmate at JCF requires prior approval from the facility, and visitors must adhere to strict rules and regulations, including a dress code and prohibiting bringing certain items into the facility. Therefore, it’s recommended to review the GDC’s visitation guidelines before planning a visit to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations.

Visitation Rules at Jenkins Correctional Facility

Incarceration can be a lonely and isolating experience, which is why visitation is an important opportunity for inmates to connect with loved ones and maintain relationships outside of the facility. However, it is crucial to adhere to the rules and guidelines established by the facility to ensure everyone’s safety and security.

To visit an inmate at JCF, visitors must be listed on the inmate’s approved visitation list. The inmate can update this list and submit it to the facility for approval. Additionally, visitors must be at least 18 years old and have a valid photo ID.

Visitation hours at JCF are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Visitors are permitted to bring a clear plastic bag containing only their ID, car keys, and up to $20 in quarters for vending machines. No other items are allowed in the visiting area.

JCF permits up to three visitors to visit an inmate at a time, but all visitors must be on the approved visitation list. It is important to note that visitation may be canceled due to emergencies or security concerns at the facility.

Procedures for Sending Money

To deposit money into an inmate’s account, you are required to follow the consolidated banking process. Instructions on how to do so can be found in the notices posted in your unit and visitation area. Only up to five individuals are permitted to deposit money into an inmate’s account. The Financials List in Scribe should include only approved individuals.

When sending money, all money orders should be directly mailed to Consolidated Banking at the address provided below:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jenkins Correctional Facility?

Jenkins Correctional Facility (JCF) is a medium-security prison located in Millen, Georgia. It houses adult male inmates who have been convicted of a crime and are serving a sentence.

How can I search for an inmate at Jenkins Correctional Facility?

To search for an inmate at JCF, you can use the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) online inmate search tool. You can search for inmates by their GDC ID number or their first and last name.

How can I visit an inmate at Jenkins Correctional Facility?

To visit an inmate at JCF, visitors must be on the inmate’s approved visitation list. The inmate can update this list, which must be submitted to the facility for approval. Visitors must also be at least 18 years old and have a valid photo ID. Visitation hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Visitors can bring a clear plastic bag containing their ID, car keys, and up to $20 in quarters for the vending machines. No other items are allowed in the visiting area.

What are the rules for sending mail to an inmate at Jenkins Correctional Facility?

Inmates at JCF are allowed to receive mail from family, friends, and legal representatives and must adhere to strict guidelines for incoming mail. The mailroom is open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The mailboxes are located in the assigned housing units. The mail is picked up Monday through Friday between 7:15 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Before the package is delivered, all order forms must be approved by the unit manager and sent to the mailroom. The package will be rejected if an approved form is not on file in the mailroom.

How can I send money to an inmate at Jenkins Correctional Facility?

To send money to an inmate at JCF, you must go through the consolidated banking process. Your unit and visitation both have notices with instructions. No more than five people may deposit money into an inmate’s account. The Financials List in Scribe needs to contain approved people. All money orders should be sent directly to Consolidated Banking at the address provided by the facility.


Jenkins Correctional Facility offers a variety of programs and services designed to help inmates successfully reintegrate into society after their release. Visitation, mail, and consolidated banking processes are important parts of an inmate’s life while in prison, but it is important to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the facility to ensure safety and security for all. With the help of the Georgia Department of Corrections’ online inmate search tool, family and friends can easily locate their loved ones at JCF. It is important to remember that visiting an inmate at JCF requires prior approval from the facility and adherence to strict rules and regulations. By following these guidelines and procedures, visitors can maintain family relationships and provide important connections to the outside world for inmates at JCF.


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