Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 Prisons In The State of Rhode Island

What are Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 Prisons In The State of Rhode Island? In this article, we have listed more than 9 Prisons In The State of Rhode Island.

The Rhode Island Department of Corrections(RIDOC) operates all the prison systems of this small US state.

The Department’s primary focus is public safety and providing services to support the successful reintegration of prisoners into society upon their release. They strive to maintain a human correctional environment within Adult Correctional Institutions (ACI) and are committed to reducing recidivism by offering comprehensive management, rehabilitation services, and surveillance to all types of offenders, including those in pretrial custody, imprisonment, supervision, sentenced to home detention, or released on Probation Supervision.

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 Prisons In The State of Rhode Island

The Rhode Island Prison system is categorized into two levels: Level 1, which is the minimum security state, and Level 3, which is the maximum security state. The RIDOC oversees the following prisons and facilities under its jurisdiction.

For Males

  • Anthony P. Travisono Intake Service Center
  • High-Security Center
  • Maximum Security Prison
  • John J. Moran Medium Security Facility
  • Minimum Security
  • Donald Price Medium Security Facility (Closed)

For Females

  • The Gloria McDonald Women’s Facility (WOM)
  • Dorothea Dix Minimum Security Facility / Bernadette Building (Closed)

Prison levels classification by the Rhode Island Department of Corrections

RIDOC prison-level classification is based on security measures, freedom Rhode Island prisons are classified into three levels based on the risks posed by offenders, their needs management, and the potential risks to the community in the event of a prisoner’s escape. These levels are as follows:

Level 1 or Minimum Security Prison

Minimum-security prisons are designated for low-risk criminals who are nearing the end of their imprisonment and preparing for release. These facilities have less stringent security measures than higher-level prisons and may have fewer staff members monitoring prisoner movements. In some cases, minimum-security prisons offer work-release programs that allow inmates to work outside the facility during the day and return at night.

Level 2 or Medium Security Prison

Medium-security prisons are designed for offenders who pose a moderate risk to public safety. These facilities have several layers of security, including fencing, guards, and strict surveillance of inmate movements. While security procedures are less restrictive than in maximum-security facilities, they are still significant.

Level 3 or Maximum Security Prison

Maximum-security prisons are reserved for the most dangerous and violent offenders. These facilities have the highest level of security controls on prisoner movement and the most stringent security arrangements, including armed guards, multiple tiers of fencing, and numerous layers of security.

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 Prisons In The State of Rhode Island

It’s important to note that Rhode Island does not operate any Level 4 prisons.

In the next section, we will provide a detailed overview of the three housing facilities located on the grounds of the Pastore Government Center in Cranston, Rhode Island.

Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Prisons In The State of Rhode Island

Minimum Security

The Minimum Security Facility (MIN), a Level 1 prison, initially opened its doors to visitors in a former hospital building in 1978. The complex expanded to include a second building in 1989, and a connecting expansion was constructed in 1992, combining the two structures into one complex with a 710-inmate capacity.

All eligible offenders held in MIN are expected to work, either inside the facility, at a Work Release Program, on community service projects, or actively seeking employment, unless they have a medical condition that prevents them from doing so.

John J. Moran Medium Security Facility

Constructed between 1990 and 1992, the John J. Moran Medium Security Facility (MED) is a Level 2 prison spread across 29 acres. It is designed to house adult male offenders with a moderate detention level, and it has a total capacity of 1,186 beds. MED is the largest facility in the RIDOC system.

The programs provided at MED are aimed at preparing inmates for successful reintegration into society. In addition to its correctional facilities, MED houses various businesses, such as a clothing and furniture store, a license plate store, a carpentry company, and an auto body shop. The facility also features a gym, a large outdoor recreation area, and a structure for education and programming.

Gloria McDonald Women’s Facility

The Gloria McDonald Women’s Facility (WOM) was established in December 2010, and it features three security levels, including pretrial detainees at Level 1 and Level 2, and a work release program.

The building that houses the facility was originally a male Reintegration Center, which was later expanded and renovated to accommodate female inmates.

The WOM facility can hold up to 187 offenders, and as of FY22, the average inmate population is 101.

Anthony P. Travisono Intake Service Center

Anthony P. Travisono Intake Service Center (ISC) is a Level 3 facility that exclusively houses male inmates. It is responsible for the initial processing and classification of inmates entering the Rhode Island correctional system. The facility comprises both the correctional facility and the prison under one department.

The ISC has two wings, with the south wing built in 1982 and the north wing added in 1992. It also functions as a temporary holding facility for prisoners waiting for transfer to other facilities within the RIDOC system.

The facility has 1,148 beds available, and the average pretrial inmate population stays for around 27 days, which frequently changes due to the constant inflow and outflow of prisoners. The ISC processes an average of 706 new admissions monthly, with around 50 prisoners taken to court daily and 20 inmates transferred to other detention centers within the RIDOC’s Adult Correctional Institutions weekly.

High-Security Center

The High Security Center (HSC) is a Level 3 correctional facility that houses some of Rhode Island’s most dangerous and high-risk offenders. With a capacity of 166 prisoners, it is specifically designed to provide maximum security and control to ensure the safety of both inmates and staff.

The HSC features a Rehabilitation Treatment Unit (RTU) that provides structured care and therapy as an alternative to heavily restricted housing units. In addition, the facility offers amenities such as a church, a barbershop, a classroom, and a classification board room. A library is also available to inmates, containing literature on both legal and leisure subjects.

Maximum Security

The Howard-Level 3 prison, also known as a maximum-security prison, was previously used to house inmates serving time and those awaiting trial. The institution is surrounded by a wall, five observation towers, and a double chain-link security fence equipped with an electronic intrusion detection system to prevent and detect escape attempts.

With a capacity of 466 inmate beds, the facility houses prisoners serving lengthy sentences for various crimes, as well as those serving shorter sentences who have been transferred from other prisons due to significant behavioral or discipline issues.

The maximum-security prison consists of six interiors, one disciplinary confinement unit, a kitchen/dining area, a recreation yard, an education/gym building, and an industrial area. In addition to maintenance, 190 inmates work in various fields, including the print shop, carpentry, kitchen, laundry, barbershop, and library, as well as residential buildings and entertainment areas.

Programs and services offered by RIDOC

RIDOC provides educational and vocational programs to help inmates acquire new skills and prepare for reentry into society. The department also offers addiction recovery and other treatments to reduce the risk of reoffending.

Mental health services are available to address offenders’ emotional and psychological needs, while religious services are provided to meet their spiritual needs. Furthermore, RIDOC assists inmates in their transition to life outside of prison.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Level 1 prison in Rhode Island?

A Level 1 prison is a minimum-security facility in Rhode Island designed for offenders who pose a low risk to public safety. These prisons typically have less strict security measures, and inmates may have more freedom to move around the facility and participate in educational or vocational programs.

What is a Level 2 prison in Rhode Island?

A Level 2 prison in Rhode Island is a medium-security facility that is designed to house adult male criminals with a medium detention level. These prisons have a higher level of security than Level 1 facilities, but they still offer a range of educational and vocational programs to help inmates prepare for reentry into society.

What is a Level 3 prison in Rhode Island?

A Level 3 prison in Rhode Island is a high-security facility that is designed to house some of the state’s most dangerous and high-risk offenders. These facilities have the highest level of security controls on prisoner movement and multiple layers of fencing and armed guards to preserve the safety of inmates and personnel.

What is a Level 4 prison in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island does not operate any Level 4 prisons.

What programs are available to inmates in Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 prisons in Rhode Island?

Inmates in Rhode Island’s Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 prisons have access to a range of educational and vocational programs to help them learn new skills and prepare for reentry into society. These programs may include academic classes, vocational training, substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, and religious services.


In conclusion, Rhode Island has four levels of prisons that are designed to meet the specific needs of different types of inmates. The Minimum Security Facility (Level 1) is intended for low-risk offenders and has a focus on preparing inmates for successful reentry into society. The John J. Moran Medium Security Facility (Level 2) houses male criminals with a medium detention level and offers a variety of vocational programs to aid in the rehabilitation process.

The Howard S. Yost- Maximum Security Facility (Level 3) is intended for high-risk offenders and provides the highest degree of security and control. The Anthony P. Travisono Intake Service Center (Level 3) handles the initial processing and classification of inmates and serves as the main entry point for anyone entering the Rhode Island correctional system. The Gloria McDonald Women’s Facility (Levels 1, 2, and work release) is a women’s prison with a capacity of 187 offenders and a focus on rehabilitation and reentry into society. Through the provision of educational, vocational, mental health, and addiction recovery programs, RIDOC aims to help offenders become productive members of society upon release.


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